Dr. Dennis Will Be The Keynote Speaker at the Next November Meeting of Eating Disorders Network

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She will be speaking on “The Many Faces of Trauma in Patients with Eating Disorders”. The emphasis will be on recognizing trauma effects when they appear in a session and designing treatment to reduce or eliminate those effects.

Title: The Many Faces of trauma in patients with eating disorders


  1. be able to define trauma, understand the prevalence of trauma and PTSD in the ED population, and the factors which interfere with its identification.
  2. understand the impact of early adverse experiences on brain development  and epigenetics
  3. recognize clinical manifestations of trauma in ED patients and common therapist reactions to these (“resistance,” ,”borderline” “behaviors”, “dropout”).
  4. understand evidence base for integrated treatment for patients with co-occurring ED and PTSD.

The November meeting of the Eating Disorders Network will be held on: Friday, November 18, 2016 from 12:30-2:30pm at Francesca’s North Restaurant

Please contact Robin Ross, PhD, Founder, Chicago Area Eating Disorders Network @drross@jsrpsychology.com for more information.

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