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Teenage Alcohol Treatment: What You Need to Know

If you have a teen who needs treatment, SunCloud Health can help.

SunCloud Health offers both Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP) and Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP). Our PHP runs Monday through Friday from 9am-3:30pm, while our IOP is available three to five times weekly from 4-7pm. Both programs are available at our Naperville, Chicago, and Northbrook centers. Designed for adolescents requiring varying levels of support, we provide dedicated time for schoolwork and maintain direct collaboration with their schools. Our approach sets us apart from other programs in the Chicago region. We specialize in treating depression, substance use disorder, eating disorders, anxiety, PTSD, school refusal, and other behavioral health conditions. Please contact us for an assessment to determine if our offerings are the right fit for the needs of your child, patient, or student.

Teen Alcohol Treatment 

Teen alcohol treatment is important for the future of mental health in today’s youth.

With so many young people drinking heavily, adolescent alcohol treatment is necessary in keeping them from developing problems that can get in the way of healthy development and take them on a downward spiral.

If you have a teen who needs alcohol related treatment services, SunCloud Health can help. Read on to find out more about alcohol treatment for adolescents and the approaches that are used.


Dr. Alexander Chevalier, Medical Director of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at SunCloud Health, details the questions parents should be asking when looking for a treatment provider.


Kevin A. Sabet, PhD, former advisor to three US presidential campaigns and President & CEO at Smart Approaches to Marijuana, explains at SunCloud Health how addiction is a unique brain disease that responds well to treatment. 



Hear from Dr. Chevalier on the balance school and extracurricular activities with treatment. In most cases, coursework is unaffected and can be improved while a student is out of school receiving treatment.


Why Teen Alcohol Treatment is Important

Teen alcohol treatment saves lives.

Some adolescents experiment with alcohol and grow out of it as they get older. But for others, it’s an ongoing problem. If it’s not addressed, now, when they are young, it will only get continually harder to break the cycle. Alcohol use could lead them to experience troubled relationships, financial difficulties, health problems, legal issues and more.

It’s also important to note that teens that develop a dependency may be turning to alcohol to help them deal with other mental health issues. If these issues are not addressed, the use of alcohol will only compound these issues as they get older.

When it comes to getting your teen the help they need, an alcohol treatment facility is the most effective solution. Here are some stats to consider.

Contact SunCloud Health to get your teen the care they require today.

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Does My Teen Abuse Alcohol: Differences Between Experimentation and Heavy Alcohol Abuse

Some parents realize that their teen is drinking, and they accept it as a rite of passage. Some may even enable the behavior because they think their child will drink regardless. But teen drinking should never be accepted as normal.

Teen drinking is a problem that can worsen with a lack of anti-alcohol policies at school, minimal parent supervision and supportive and healthy family relationships. Even if your child is drinking small amounts of alcohol, it can get out of hand. And if you’re not intervening, you are enabling them.

A teen may start drinking experimentally, but after a while, you may see signs that an addiction is forming. At this point, you will know that alcohol abuse treatment for teens is necessary. SunCloud Health can provide with a customized treatment place and the special care they deserve.


Dr. Alexander Chevalier, Medical Director, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at SunCloud Health, gives parents helpful advice on what to look for when considering treatment centers their child.

Signs of Alcohol Abuse

While any amount of teen drinking is bad, parents must be aware of warning signs to provide teen alcohol abuse treatment if things are getting out of hand. Here are some things to look out for.

  • Dishonest behavior
  • Withdrawal from social circles and/or hanging out with different people
  • Personality changes and mood swings
  • Decline in schoolwork
  • Getting sick more often
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Weight loss
  • Bloodshot eyes

If you see symptoms of alcohol abuse developing in your teen, don’t hesitate to reach out to a SunCloud Health representative.

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Teen Alcohol Treatment Options: Does My Teen Need Treatment?

If you feel your teen requires treatment for alcohol abuse, there are many paths to consider. Parents may be concerned about how the adolescent alcohol treatment center might interfere with their teen’s childhood. Parent and children alike may be reluctant to have the teen miss out on some of the best years of their life because they are spending time at a treatment facility.

Fortunately, there are many outpatient options for teens. Some centers even provide transportation so teens can go directly from school to meetings. While at the facility, they will get the therapy they need to get sober and stay sober.

If the alcohol addiction is severe, inpatient teen alcohol treatment may be necessary. These programs will do their best to make the teen feel comfortable and cared for.

VIDEO: Why consider SunCloud Health for your child

SunCloud Health will determine the best treatment plan for your teen. Contact Us or Call to take the next step.

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Why Teens Abuse Alcohol

Teens usually begin experimenting with alcohol due to peer pressure. Their friends may be going out to parties where alcohol is being served. They will try drinking to have fun and fit in.

Some teens may limit their alcohol consumption to social functions, but others will begin to abuse it causing an addiction to form. When this occurs, it’s likely they are using alcohol to treat an underlying mental illness.

If a teen is dealing with a mental illness, they may be afraid to reach out due to stigmas or they may not realize their problem is severe. They find that when they drink, it makes their symptoms go away so they continue using. What they may not realize is that alcohol will take them on a downward spiral making matters worse.

Teen alcohol treatment addresses the underlying mental health conditions eliminating the need and desire to self-medicate. Call SunCloud Health to get your teen started on a journey to recovery.

The Risks of Teenage Alcohol Abuse

Teenage alcohol abuse can lead to serious problems. It can cause a teen to engage in dangerous behaviors such as drinking and driving which can result in legal issues and severe injuries.

It can also negatively affect mental health causing them to engage in acts of self-harm.

If alcohol consumption continues as your teen gets older, they will have difficulty holding down a job and maintaining relationships. They will also incur dangerous health conditions like heart and liver problems.

Teen alcohol treatment will address the problem early on, before it gets out of control. Don’t hesitate to get them the help they need.

Call SunCloud Health!

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Specialized Teen Alcohol Treatment

Adolescent alcohol treatment will only be effective if it’s suited to an individual’s needs.

Therefore, teen alcohol treatment must differ from adult alcohol treatment. Here are some features that set it apart.

  • It Addresses Cognitive Differences: The teen brain is not as developed as the adult brain. This may get in the way of the teen understanding the consequences alcoholism can have on their lives. A teen alcohol treatment center will help the adolescent understand how their actions will affect them later in life.
  • It Maintains Education: When a teen goes to rehab, the last thing they need is to be falling behind on their education. Adolescent drug and alcohol treatment centers will make sure the patient stays on top of their lesson plans.
  • Family Involvement: Family involvement is always important in the recovery process but it especially important in teen alcohol treatment. A facility that specializes in teen addiction will make sure the family stays updated on the teens’ progress and is brought in to develop the best methods for coping.
  • Teen Treatment is Involuntary: Adults typically check themselves into treatment because they want to get better. A teen will be checked in by a parent and may be more reluctant to get help. Adolescent alcohol treatment centers specialize in addressing resistance and know the best methods for producing breakthroughs.
  • Different Activities: Alcohol abuse treatment for teens will integrate different activities that are more suitable to adolescents. They may include surf therapy, music therapy, recreational therapy and more.

VIDEO: How does collaborative care work at SunCloud Health?

SunCloud Health provides personalized care that is best suited to a teenager’s needs. Contact us to find out more about what we offer.

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SunCloud Health Teen Alcohol Abuse Treatment

SunCloud Health takes an approach that sets us apart with teens. We offer intensive outpatient treatments and individualized plans that allow teens to recover while maintaining the activities of their daily lives. We take an integrated approach ensuring a comprehensive plan that’s best suited to their needs.


Dr. Kim Dennis, MD, CEDS, explains how SunCloud Health treats co-occurring disorders.

Speak to one of our caring representatives to find out how we can get your teen moving on to a healthier quality of life.

VIDEO: What to expect when starting in our adolescent program

SunCloud Health’s Accreditations, Certifications & Licensingjoint commission national quality seal

The Joint Commission signifies that all people always experience the safest, highest quality, best-value health care across all settings with a devotion to patient safety. The Gold Seal, is a symbol to the community and patients we serve that SunCloud Health has placed an emphasis on quality of care.

Why Our Patients LOVE SunCloud Health:

The best decision of my life. I have never had more gratitude and love for a place in my life. I was a outpatient here for about 3 and half months this past year. I learned skills for coping, self-compassion, emotional regulation, and self-care that I use on a regular basis. The treatment I received created a foundation for me that I never had before, and it has helped and taught me to do what is best for me. Having both the group and individual therapy helped teach me a lot of important communication skills when it came to my emotions and shame. I have overcome so much because of this program, and I continue to grow because of everything I experienced and learned here. If you are wondering if this is the right place for you just know that in most cases it is. If you’re ready to work hard and become the person you need in your life then you are going to love SunCloud Health. Or in other cases if you need help and support to do the work SunCloud Health is there for you. It isn’t easy but it’s beyond worth it. You will meet many amazing people here both staff and other patients that will help guide on your path of recovery. It is a magical place and I am forever grateful for my experience here! 

Meet our Adolescent Medical Leadership Team

  • Alexander Chevalier, MD
    Alexander Chevalier, MD
    Medical Director, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  • Kimberly Dennis, MD, CEDS
    Kimberly Dennis, MD, CEDS
    Chief Medical Officer, CEO and Co-founder | Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine
  • Johnathan Coleman, MD
    Johnathan Coleman, MD


Alexander Chevalier, MD, Medical Director, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at SunCloud Health discusses the impact of COVID 19 on adolescents with Jacqueline Rhew, CADC, LCPC.


Mike Mehta, DO, MBA, Psychiatrist at SunCloud Health, on what he likes about child and adolescent psychiatry.

VIDEO: Introducing Hannah Ritze, MSW and Kelsey Kornacker LPC, MSW, Treatment Coordinators at SCH

We’d Love to Help You – Get in touch with us today:

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Locations for Adolescent Treatment Programs

Northbrook Location

40 Skokie Blvd
Suite 200
Northbrook, IL 60062

Chicago Location

1840 North Clybourn
Suite 520
Chicago, IL 60614

Naperville Location

280 Shuman Blvd.
Suite 190
Naperville, IL 60563

Accreditations, Certifications & Licensing

LegitScript approved
DASA License. Department of Alcohol and Substance Abuse.
Joint Commission Behavioral Health Care Accreditation.
EDC Member
IAEDP Member

The Joint Commission signifies that all people always experience the safest, highest quality, best-value health care across all settings with a devotion to patient safety. The Gold Seal, is a symbol to the community and patients we serve that SunCloud Health has placed an emphasis on quality of care.

We are here for you.

One of the nations most trusted names in treating substance use addictions, eating disorders, mood disorders, PTSD and related traumas.
(866) 729-1012