SunCloud Health invites our alumni to participate in an ongoing support group.
SunCloud Health Alumni – join us for discussions, events and activities and more!
We are currently hosting two support groups per week on Zoom, Wednesday nights at 6:00pm CST.
Please reach out to David Newton directly at our Northbrook office for more information on participating or send us an email.
Why is an Alumni program important?
The Alumni program is not just important, it’s crucial for long lasting recovery. Treatment needs to be the beginning of the story. Some people will come to SunCloud and think, “this is the end.” The end of the addiction, the end of my “great life” I’ve surrendered.
They also make the mistake of thinking “once I go to treatment I’m cured. I can lock this part of my life in the closet and not think about it anymore. I’m fine.”
But early into treatment patients learn a truth that people with long time recovery know, this is just the beginning.
The beginning of freedom. The beginning of a life worth living. Of a joyful existence.
While in treatment, you are in bubble. You are safe and protracted. From real life, outside stressors and the addiction and behaviors. You are arresting the behavior in a safe environment. The beauty of that is, it will allow you to get clear about what the real problem is and hopefully what the solution is.
Those of us with long term recovery believe that the opposite of addiction is connection.
For some of us treatment is the first time in our lives where we meet our people. We are surrounded by people who think like we think, talk like we talk, use like we do. It’s like finding a twin, a long-lost brother or sister. and even better to be this space that is safe.
This is one of the bravest things someone can do for themselves, and not everyone can do it. Treatment is not always easy but what makes it work is the system, the people, and the circles we create. These people know where we have been, felt the way you did, and think like you.
They see you and they need you.
So, you form, bond, attach and feel safe. Most of the time you no longer need what you used to feel normal, the behavior has stopped, you feel better than ever.
Then you leave, to face the real world, families, responsibilities, and stressors. You’ve developed skills and coping mechanisms, you’ve got this you think, do you? Where are your people?
The mission of SunCloud Alumni program is to build on these relationships and connection. Community, connection, and ongoing support is what works, creates change, and allows people to thrive.
A mainline into your treatment community which helps prevent relapse.
The goal is for people with the same affliction and struggles to encourage each other and build community.
We offer weekly support groups, monthly events, and opportunities to be of service.
You are never alone.
“When I came to SunCloud I had not been to any sort of inpatient or outpatient program ever before. I was sober for over 9 years, and still having tremendous difficulty with other behaviors. It was essential for my recovery that I be seen as someone that had not addressed my underlying pain, trauma, and abuse. Getting sober was only one piece of the puzzle. The approach at SunCloud was refreshing. SunCloud provided me ongoing support through my eating disorder, detachment and other emotional issues, trauma, sexual abuse, divorce and family system issues. The staff is highly knowledgeable, supportive and personally experienced. I made connections with people that have shared my same experiences through groups activities, and fellowship that have allowed me to become less isolated, and more of a whole person. I trust that the relationships that I have made will allow for my continued growth in recovery outside of SunCloud. For that reason I have decided to be a part of SunCloud’s alumni group.”
-SCH Alumni.

“I love my life. I couldn’t say that less than a year ago. I wake up every day grateful for the path of recovery I chose at SunCloud. I’m grateful not only for the excellent treatment I received from a topnotch team of professionals but also for those whose journeys’ intersected with mine during my time in recovery. I entered treatment at my bottom of a 30-year drug and alcohol addiction and having lost my job and family. I was a broken man; alone, overweight, bankrupt in every way, having never really taken care of myself at 56. I feel an eternal connection and fellowship with those who paid attention to my story and struggles, and who provided me insights into my character that I needed to hear. I am also humbled and honored to have been entrusted into the lives of others and to reciprocate and help with their recovery. Thank you for helping to restore me to back to sanity and a functioning human being. I will never forget you. This is why I want to be a member of Beyond the Cloud.”
-SCH Alumni.
SunCloud Health provided me with the insight to see the truth about myself and the ability to recognize who I really am. With those in tow, the program set me forth on the path to recovery and for this, I am forever grateful.
-SCH Alumni.
Explaining SunCloud’s Integrated Model Why is an integrated treatment model essential to successfully treating patients?
Dr. Kim Dennis, Co-Founder and Medical Director at SunCloud Health, discusses the vital role the integrated model (that she is pioneering at SunCloud Health) plays in the success of treating patients with co-occurring disorders and underlying trauma. How does SunCloud create an authentic culture of patient support?