Dealing with alcohol or drug addiction? We can help you get your life back on track
Teresa Haley, President of the NAACP Illinois State Conference, discusses the effects of marijuana legislation on the African-American community, equating it modern day slavery. [center][/center] [colorsection bgcolor=”graybg”] [su_accordion class=””] [su_spoiler title=”A CLOSER LOOK AT ALCOHOL AND DRUG ADDICTION
” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” class=””]You may think of alcohol, prescription pain killers or another street drug as your “drug of choice.” But at SunCloud, we consider it your “drug of no choice” or “drug of addiction.” The idea is that, as addiction takes over, your ability to actually make choices is swiftly taken away. With the drug in command, you may feel totally powerless to regain control of your life. In helping you start on a path to wellness and balance, we won’t prompt you to ask yourself, “Why the addiction?” Instead, we’ll encourage you to ask yourself, “Why am I in so much pain?” In our experience, addiction is driven by deeper causes that typically involve physical, spiritual or emotional pain. By dealing with the underlying pain, we will help you exchange unhealthy addictive behaviors for healthier ones – leading to a balanced and abundant life. At SunCloud Health, we approach addiction treatment in a holistic, integrated and medically informed way. We meet you where you are. As one wise teacher has said, “Only when compassion is present will people allow themselves to see the truth.” We will help you learn to allow pain to be your teacher so you can expand far beyond it rather than seeing pain as the enemy. [/su_spoiler]VIDEO: TREATING UNDERLYING TRAUMA IS CRITICAL WHEN TREATING SELF DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIORS
Kim Dennis, MD, CEDS, Medical Director, CEO and Co-Founder, discusses the key to effective trauma treatment. [center][/center]VIDEO: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AN ABSTINENCE BASED PROGRAM AND A HARM REDUCTION BASED PROGRAM?
Kim Dennis, MD, CEDS, Medical Director, CEO and Co-Founder, explains the difference between an abstinence based and harm reduction based program. [center][/center] [clearfixspace] [su_spoiler title=”OUR APPROACH TO HEALING AND RECOVERY
” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” class=””] The experienced team at SunCloud understands that treating alcohol and drug addiction requires a blend of compassion with advanced medical and psychotherapeutic skill. From our experience in successfully treating hundreds of patients, we’ve learned that addiction is often paired with other self-destructive or addictive behaviors. People who face a cluster of issues are often described as having co-occurring conditions. They may also be described as having a dual diagnosis.VIDEO: WE DO NOT IGNORE THE CO-OCCURRING AT SUNCLOUD HEALTH
Dr. Kim Dennis, MD, CEDS, explains how SunCloud Health treats co-occurring disorders. [center][/center] In caring for those facing drug or alcohol addiction, we dig deep on all fronts. We understand that other sources of emotional pain, and even other addictive behaviors, may have led to your problems with drugs or alcohol. Therefore, we will help you address all of these related factors as you enter treatment. We also realize that psychiatric conditions such as depression, trauma or anxiety may have played a role in leading to your drug or alcohol use. You may even be abusing other substances to cope with the side effects of your addiction. These are some of the conditions that are often present with drug or alcohol abuse:- Depression
- Anxiety
- Eating disorders
- Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Bipolar Disorder
- Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCD)
Chris Stewart, MD. Board Certified Psychiatrist, on what makes SunCloud Health unique. [center][/center] [clearfixspace]VIDEO: WHY DO WE ASK OUR PATIENTS TO BE ABSTINENT WHEN AT SUNCLOUD HEALTH?
Kim Dennis, MD, CEDS, Medical Director, CEO and Co-founder at SunCloud Health, answers the question, why do we ask our patients to be abstinent when at SunCloud Health?[center][/center] [su_spoiler title=”WHAT KINDS OF ADDICTION DO YOU TREAT?
” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” class=””]At SunCloud Health, we work with people who are suffering from just about every form of substance use. We are an outpatient center, which means that you will live at home while taking part in treatment. Depending on your needs, you may be treated through a partial hospitalization plan (PHP) or an intensive outpatient plan (IOP). We provide effective care to help man and women recover from addiction to:- Alcohol
- Cocaine
- Heroin and other opiates
- Marijuana
- Methamphetamines and crystal meth
- Prescription drugs such as Klonopin, Adderall, Vicodin, Benzodiazepine, OxyContin and other
- Sugar
- Food
- Compulsive Shopping
- Work
- Exercise
- Sex & Relationship
Guest speaker Dr. Jean Lud Cadet, MD, from the National Institutes of Health and National Institute on Drug Abuse, displays statistics that show methamphetamine users show a higher likelihood of meeting criteria of a substance use disorder compared to other illicit substances, including heroin, alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana. [center][/center] [su_spoiler title=”HOW TO KNOW IF YOU OR A LOVED ONE NEEDS HELP
” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” class=””]Some of the most noticeable symptoms of drug abuse are those that affect the body’s inner workings. For example, your body’s tolerance for alcohol or drugs may happen when you’ve used that substance so long that you need more to produce the same “high.” You may also crave a more intense effect, therefore drinking more or taking bigger doses, creating risks for a dangerous, even fatal accidents or overdoses. Here are the signs that you or a loved one may be addicted to alcohol or drugs. Changes in physical appearance:- Bloodshot or glazed eyes
- Dilated or constricted pupils
- Abrupt weight changes
- Bruises, infections, or other physical signs such as needle marks, nose bleeds
- Increased aggression or irritability
- Changes in attitude or personality
- Lethargy
- Depression
- Changes in sleep patterns: sleeping too much or far too little
- Sudden changes in social networks, such as hanging out with a whole new group of friends while neglecting longtime friends
- Dramatic changes in habits and/or priorities
- Financial problems
- Involvement in criminal activity
- Changes in the brain’s ability to focus and form coherent thoughts
- Organ damage, sometimes leading to organ failure
- Chronic sleep disruption
- Loss of employment
- Damage to family, work and community relationships
” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” class=””]Before admitting you as a patient with SunCloud Health, we will explore the questions listed here. But don’t worry: we are here to guide you. This may seem like a lot to consider, but together, we’ll find the answers.- Do you in fact have a substance use disorder problem that needs treatment?
- Is SunCloud Health the right place for you?
- Is there more than one medical or psychiatric condition present?
- Is outpatient care the right choice for the issues you’re facing?
- About how long will treatment take?
- Do you feel comfortable with our team? Do you trust us to help you?
- What are your insurance benefits for drug or alcohol addiction treatment and, if applicable, treatment for other conditions such as depression, trauma or PTSD?
- How much will your treatment cost out of pocket?
- Do you have any current doctors or therapists who should join your new care team? We will work cooperatively with your existing primary care physician and other professionals to provide the best possible treatment for you.
Emily Long discusses how patients benefit from an integrative treatment approach and how that contributes to a more effective treatment experience at SunCloud Health. [center][/center] [clearfixspace] [su_spoiler title=”ONCE I’M IN THE PROGRAM, WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?
” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” class=””]After you are admitted to our outpatient program, we will create a team to implement a holistic, individualized treatment plan in partnership with you. Your care team may include:- A psychiatrist to oversee medications
- A primary treatment coordinator, often a therapist
- A registered dietician
- A registered nurse practitioner
- A skilled family therapist
- A certified alcohol and drug therapist (CADC), if appropriate
” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” class=””] Unlike some diseases, where all you need to do is lie on a table and let the doctor care for you, recovering from drug or alcohol addiction is very hard work. You must be fully committed to the process. You must want to get better and devote yourself to the pursuit of wellness. The good news is that you won’t have to walk that road alone. At SunCloud Health, you will have direct, daily access to some of the best treatment providers in the country. When you feel like something is working well, we want you to let us know. At the same time, if something feels uncomfortable or you feel you just don’t fit in, we want to know that too so we can work out a good solution for you.[/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title=”EVIDENCE-BASED TREATMENT FOR DRUG AND ALCOHOL ADDICTION
” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” class=””]The SunCloud Health team offers a full range of effective treatment for men and women who are struggling with alcohol and drugs. The therapy that will work best for you will be determined after we’ve talked with you and learned more about your unique needs. The following are types of therapy we provide for treatment of substance use disorder:- Expressive and experiential therapy
- Skills-based therapy such as DBT, ACT and CBT
- 12-step recovery programs and facilitation
- Education about the disease, its effects on you, your mind, your soul and your body
- Group sessions to teach and practice healthy interpersonal and relationship management
- Meal support and regular consultation with dietary staff as needed
- Regular psychiatric consultations
- Family therapy, including family participation if appropriate
- Yoga and body image therapy, when appropriate
- Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), if appropriate
VIDEO: Medical Comorbidities: Meth Use and Narcolepsy
Dr. Kim Dennis, MD, CEDS, asks Dr. Jean Lud Cadet, MD, about comorbid conditions developing from substance use, for example narcolepsy developing after meth use. [center][/center]VIDEO: COMMON ADDICTION MISCONCEPTIONS?
Chris Stewart, MD. Board Certified Psychiatrist addresses a few common addiction misconceptions regarding treatment and engagement. [center][/center] [clearfixspace]VIDEO: ADDICTION AND TRAUMA CAN BE RELATED
Shale Marks, LCSW, CADC, Therapist, discussed addiction and trauma and how they can be related and how addiction has a life of its own. [center][/center] [clearfixspace] [su_spoiler title=”CARE THAT SUPPORTS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY
” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” class=””] At SunCloud Health, we view the whole family system as a critical component of your treatment. We want to help you feel supported in every area of your life, starting with your family relationships. Family therapy engages all family members in a healing process, rather than just focusing on the person with the drug problem. We counsel parents and partners and provide caring, effective education to strengthen families and foster a nurturing home environment. Please know that we will obtain your consent before involving any family member or other individual in your treatment plan. At all times, you are the one who guides important choices such as who you will work with in recovery.[/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title=”REGAINING YOUR PHYSICAL, MENTAL HEALTH AND SPIRITUAL HEALTH
” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” class=””] Dr. Kim and the team at SunCloud Health have treated thousands of people with substance use disorders. We know that no two people are alike. Your treatment plan will be as individual and unique as you are. Behind most substance use disorder issues is a wellspring of pain. This may take the form of physical, emotional or spiritual suffering and is often accompanied by a sense of alienation, loss of meaning and the mistaken belief that drugs or alcohol will make us feel better. If you’re using drugs or alcohol, you may believe your addiction is not the problem, but instead, that it’s an attempt to solve a bigger problem. You are seeking something we all want: a satisfying, abundant, balanced life. At SunCloud Health, we treat you as a human being who has courageously come forward for help and support. We believe you and your family should receive the full measure of our compassion and expertise. Addiction to drugs and alcohol can create serious medical complications if left untreated. Our medical team will work seamlessly with your therapists to help you regain your physical, emotional and spiritual health.[/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title=”CAN YOU HELP ME WITH CARE AND SUPPORT AFTER TREATMENT?
” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” class=””]As an outpatient treatment center, SunCloud Health can offer support for as long as you agree our services are useful. You may decide to stay connected through one of our aftercare outpatient groups – or you may want to continue seeing one of our individual therapists. We are here to provide continuous, caring support for your recovery journey. Though we totally understand that you don’t want to spend your life in treatment, we also know from experience that a lifetime commitment to wellness is what will help you get clean and stay clean. We will work with you to maintain a healthy outlook, which means achieving balance, honesty, and overall health — physical, emotional and spiritual. Our goal is to create a care plan that you can take with you forever, wherever you may go.[/su_spoiler] [su_row][su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]VIDEO: IS THERE HOPE FOR MY RECOVERY?
Dr. Marcia Nickow, Psy.D., CADC, CGP shares her thoughts on hope for recovery at SunCloud Health. [center][/center] [/su_column] [su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]VIDEO: DOES ADDICTION TREATMENT WORK?
Chris Stewart, MD. Board Certified Psychiatrist answers, does addiction treatment work? [center][/center][/su_column][/su_row] [clearfixspace] [su_row][su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]VIDEO: MEDICAL MARIJUANA AS IT RELATES TO MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT
Kim Dennis, MD, CEDS, Co-Founder and Medical Director at SunCloud Health, discusses current research and practice around medical marijuana as it relates to mental health and answers the question: what do you say to a patient that comes in seeking treatment for a mood disorder but doesn’t want to stop using marijuana or other brain-altering substances? [center][/center] [/su_column] [su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]VIDEO: CBD – THE ULTIMATE PLACEBO, THE ULTIMATE SUGAR PILL
Kevin A. Sabet, PhD, esteemed marijuana policy expert and former advisor to three US president administrations gives his thoughts on CBD and other hemp derived substances, along with the risks of using these substances. [/su_column][/su_row] [/colorsection] [colorsection bgcolor=”bluebg”]The treatment team at SunCloud gets it. They practice what they preach, they are compassionate and they are true professionals. They all understand what I am going through and they have guided me from a hopeless place of disease to recovery and a life worth living. Most importantly they have helped me realize that I am worth something and that I don’t have to use in order to cope with life and all that comes with it. Recovery can be amazing. Trust me. The work is not easy and it is totally worth it! Today I am alive. ~ SCH patient[/colorsection]
Dealing with Alcohol or Drug Addiction? We can Help You Get Your Life Back on Track

SunCloud Health is an official provider of Counseling and Mental Health Services to the DuPage County DUI Court system.
“Not why the addiction but why the pain.”
Gabor Maté
If you or a loved one is struggling with the devastating effects of substance use disorder, the team at SunCloud Health can be a healing resource for you.
Whether your issue involves alcohol abuse, addiction to prescription drugs or involvement with illegal “street” drugs, we are ready to help you deal with both the addiction and the root causes.
Led by Kimberly Dennis, MD, one of the nation’s top experts in substance use treatment, SunCloud Health provides caring, effective treatment for people facing drug and alcohol addiction. We are an outpatient treatment center and we have helped hundreds of people like you to reclaim their lives from alcohol and drugs.
A priceless definition of abstinence, by a former patient (shared with permission). All of us at SCH strive for this each and every day.
“Abstinence means waking up every day and dedicating myself to recovery. Taking care of my body, mind and soul. For my body, abstinence is avoiding toxic substances and eating nutritious foods to feel my body in a healthy way. For my mind, abstinence means actively censoring my thoughts and effectively using my coping skills to manage stress and relieve anxiety. For my soul, abstinence means truly being happy means that I make decisions that are consistent with my morals and values and take full responsibility for my choices. That’s a very abundant definition of abstinence and not a definition I would in any way, shape or form associate with deprivation.”
Video: Plant The Seed, Say No To Weed
Teresa Haley, President of the NAACP Illinois State Conference, discusses the effects of marijuana legislation on the African-American community, equating it modern day slavery.
A Closer Look at Alcohol and Drug Addiction
You may think of alcohol, prescription pain killers or another street drug as your “drug of choice.” But at SunCloud, we consider it your “drug of no choice” or “drug of addiction.” The idea is that, as addiction takes over, your ability to actually make choices is swiftly taken away. With the drug in command, you may feel totally powerless to regain control of your life.
In helping you start on a path to wellness and balance, we won’t prompt you to ask yourself, “Why the addiction?” Instead, we’ll encourage you to ask yourself, “Why am I in so much pain?”
In our experience, addiction is driven by deeper causes that typically involve physical, spiritual or emotional pain. By dealing with the underlying pain, we will help you exchange unhealthy addictive behaviors for healthier ones – leading to a balanced and abundant life.
At SunCloud Health, we approach addiction treatment in a holistic, integrated and medically informed way. We meet you where you are. As one wise teacher has said, “Only when compassion is present will people allow themselves to see the truth.” We will help you learn to allow pain to be your teacher so you can expand far beyond it rather than seeing pain as the enemy.
Video: Treating Underlying Trauma is Critical When Treating Self Destructive Behaviors
Kim Dennis, MD, CEDS, Medical Director, CEO and Co-Founder, discusses the key to effective trauma treatment.
Video: What is the Difference Between an Abstinence Based Program and A Harm Reduction Based Program?
Kim Dennis, MD, CEDS, Medical Director, CEO and Co-Founder, explains the difference between an abstinence based and harm reduction based program.
Our Approach to Healing and Recovery
The experienced team at SunCloud understands that treating alcohol and drug addiction requires a blend of compassion with advanced medical and psychotherapeutic skill.
From our experience in successfully treating hundreds of patients, we’ve learned that addiction is often paired with other self-destructive or addictive behaviors. People who face a cluster of issues are often described as having co-occurring conditions. They may also be described as having a dual diagnosis.
Video: We Do Not Ignore the Co-Occurring at SunCloud Health
Dr. Kim Dennis, MD, CEDS, explains how SunCloud Health treats co-occurring disorders.
In caring for those facing drug or alcohol addiction, we dig deep on all fronts. We understand that other sources of emotional pain, and even other addictive behaviors, may have led to your problems with drugs or alcohol. Therefore, we will help you address all of these related factors as you enter treatment.
We also realize that psychiatric conditions such as depression, trauma or anxiety may have played a role in leading to your drug or alcohol use. You may even be abusing other substances to cope with the side effects of your addiction.
These are some of the conditions that are often present with drug or alcohol abuse:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Eating disorders
- Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Bipolar Disorder
- Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCD)
Video: What Makes SunCloud Health Unique?
Chris Stewart, MD. Board Certified Psychiatrist, on what makes SunCloud Health unique.
Video: Why Do We Ask Our Patients to Be Abstinent When at SunCloud Health?
Kim Dennis, MD, CEDS, Medical Director, CEO and Co-founder at SunCloud Health, answers the question, why do we ask our patients to be abstinent when at SunCloud Health?

What Kinds of Addiction Do You Treat?
At SunCloud Health, we work with people who are suffering from just about every form of substance use. We are an outpatient center, which means that you will live at home while taking part in treatment. Depending on your needs, you may be treated through a partial hospitalization plan (PHP) or an intensive outpatient plan (IOP).
We provide effective care to help men and women recover from addiction to:
- Alcohol
- Cocaine
- Heroin and other opiates
- Marijuana
- Methamphetamines and crystal meth
- Prescription drugs such as Klonopin, Adderall, Vicodin, Benzodiazepine, OxyContin and other
- Sugar
- Food
- Compulsive Shopping
- Work
- Exercise
- Sex & Relationship
Video: The Stats Show That Meth Is Highly Addictive
Guest speaker Dr. Jean Lud Cadet, MD, from the National Institutes of Health and National Institute on Drug Abuse, displays statistics that show methamphetamine users show a higher likelihood of meeting criteria of a substance use disorder compared to other illicit substances, including heroin, alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana.
How To Know If You or A Loved One Needs Help
Some of the most noticeable symptoms of drug abuse are those that affect the body’s inner workings.
For example, your body’s tolerance for alcohol or drugs may happen when you’ve used that substance so long that you need more to produce the same “high.” You may also crave a more intense effect, therefore drinking more or taking bigger doses, creating risks for a dangerous, even fatal accidents or overdoses.
Here are the signs that you or a loved one may be addicted to alcohol or drugs.
Changes in physical appearance:
- Bloodshot or glazed eyes
- Dilated or constricted pupils
- Abrupt weight changes
- Bruises, infections, or other physical signs such as needle marks, nose bleeds
Body and behavioral symptoms:
- Increased aggression or irritability
- Changes in attitude or personality
- Lethargy
- Depression
- Changes in sleep patterns: sleeping too much or far too little
- Sudden changes in social networks, such as hanging out with a whole new group of friends while neglecting longtime friends
- Dramatic changes in habits and/or priorities
- Financial problems
- Involvement in criminal activity
- Changes in the brain’s ability to focus and form coherent thoughts
- Organ damage, sometimes leading to organ failure
- Chronic sleep disruption
- Loss of employment
- Damage to family, work and community relationships

How Can I Get Started with Treatment?
Before admitting you as a patient with SunCloud Health, we will explore the questions listed here. But don’t worry: we are here to guide you. This may seem like a lot to consider, but together, we’ll find the answers.
- Do you in fact have a substance use disorder problem that needs treatment?
- Is SunCloud Health the right place for you?
- Is there more than one medical or psychiatric condition present?
- Is outpatient care the right choice for the issues you’re facing?
- About how long will treatment take?
- Do you feel comfortable with our team? Do you trust us to help you?
- What are your insurance benefits for drug or alcohol addiction treatment and, if applicable, treatment for other conditions such as depression, trauma or PTSD?
- How much will your treatment cost out of pocket?
- Do you have any current doctors or therapists who should join your new care team? We will work cooperatively with your existing primary care physician and other professionals to provide the best possible treatment for you.
Video: In And Out of Treatment Several Times With Little Success?
Emily Long discusses how patients benefit from an integrative treatment approach and how that contributes to a more effective treatment experience at SunCloud Health.
Once I’m In the Program, What Happens Next?
After you are admitted to our outpatient program, we will create a team to implement a holistic, individualized treatment plan in partnership with you. Your care team may include:
- A psychiatrist to oversee medications
- A primary treatment coordinator, often a therapist
- A registered dietician
- A registered nurse practitioner
- A skilled family therapist
- A certified alcohol and drug therapist (CADC), if appropriate
We may also refer you to other consulting healthcare providers who can address medical issues that should be resolved as part of your recovery.
Each team member brings extensive experience to the table. All will work together to provide an integrated approach to your personal care plan.
You can expect to take part in individual and group therapy as part of your treatment plan. You may also likely receive a prescription for medications to help with your recovery. As you progress, your care team will work closely with you to determine what’s working, what’s not working and make adjustments to foster your progress.
Break free from addiction now. Call today.
What is My Responsibility in The Recovery Process?
Unlike some diseases, where all you need to do is lie on a table and let the doctor care for you, recovering from drug or alcohol addiction is very hard work.
You must be fully committed to the process. You must want to get better and devote yourself to the pursuit of wellness. The good news is that you won’t have to walk that road alone.
At SunCloud Health, you will have direct, daily access to some of the best treatment providers in the country. When you feel like something is working well, we want you to let us know. At the same time, if something feels uncomfortable or you feel you just don’t fit in, we want to know that too so we can work out a good solution for you.
Evidence-Based Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Addiction
The SunCloud Health team offers a full range of effective treatment for men and women who are struggling with alcohol and drugs. The therapy that will work best for you will be determined after we’ve talked with you and learned more about your unique needs.
- Expressive and experiential therapy
- Skills-based therapy such as DBT, ACT and CBT
- 12-step recovery programs and facilitation
- Education about the disease, its effects on you, your mind, your soul and your body
- Group sessions to teach and practice healthy interpersonal and relationship management
- Meal support and regular consultation with dietary staff as needed
- Regular psychiatric consultations
- Family therapy, including family participation if appropriate
- Yoga and body image therapy, when appropriate
- Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), if appropriate
Video: Medical Comorbidities: Meth Use and Narcolepsy
Dr. Kim Dennis, MD, CEDS, asks Dr. Jean Lud Cadet, MD, about comorbid conditions developing from substance use, for example narcolepsy developing after meth use.
Video: Common Addiction Misconceptions?
Chris Stewart, MD. Board Certified Psychiatrist addresses a few common addiction misconceptions regarding treatment and engagement.
Video: Addiction And Trauma Can Be Related
Shale Marks, LCSW, CADC, Therapist, discussed addiction and trauma and how they can be related and how addiction has a life of its own.
Care That Supports You and Your Family
At SunCloud Health, we view the whole family system as a critical component of your treatment. We want to help you feel supported in every area of your life, starting with your family relationships.
Family therapy engages all family members in a healing process, rather than just focusing on the person with the drug problem. We counsel parents and partners and provide caring, effective education to strengthen families and foster a nurturing home environment.
Please know that we will obtain your consent before involving any family member or other individual in your treatment plan. At all times, you are the one who guides important choices such as who you will work with in recovery.
Regaining Your Physical, Mental Health and Spiritual Health
Dr. Kim and the team at SunCloud Health have treated thousands of people with substance use disorders. We know that no two people are alike. Your treatment plan will be as individual and unique as you are.
Behind most substance use disorder issues is a wellspring of pain. This may take the form of physical, emotional or spiritual suffering and is often accompanied by a sense of alienation, loss of meaning and the mistaken belief that drugs or alcohol will make us feel better.
If you’re using drugs or alcohol, you may believe your addiction is not the problem, but instead, that it’s an attempt to solve a bigger problem. You are seeking something we all want: a satisfying, abundant, balanced life.
At SunCloud Health, we treat you as a human being who has courageously come forward for help and support. We believe you and your family should receive the full measure of our compassion and expertise.
Addiction to drugs and alcohol can create serious medical complications if left untreated. Our medical team will work seamlessly with your therapists to help you regain your physical, emotional and spiritual health.
Can You Help Me with Care and Support After Treatment?
As an outpatient treatment center, SunCloud Health can offer support for as long as you agree our services are useful. You may decide to stay connected through one of our aftercare outpatient groups – or you may want to continue seeing one of our individual therapists. We are here to provide continuous, caring support for your recovery journey.
Though we totally understand that you don’t want to spend your life in treatment, we also know from experience that a lifetime commitment to wellness is what will help you get clean and stay clean. We will work with you to maintain a healthy outlook, which means achieving balance, honesty, and overall health — physical, emotional and spiritual. Our goal is to create a care plan that you can take with you forever, wherever you may go.

Video: Is There Hope for My Recovery?
Dr. Marcia Nickow, Psy.D., CADC, CGP shares her thoughts on hope for recovery at SunCloud Health.
Video: Does Addiction Treatment Work?
Chris Stewart, MD. Board Certified Psychiatrist answers, does addiction treatment work?
Video: Medical Marijuana as It Relates to Mental Health Treatment
Kim Dennis, MD, CEDS, Co-Founder and Medical Director at SunCloud Health, discusses current research and practice around medical marijuana as it relates to mental health and answers the question: what do you say to a patient that comes in seeking treatment for a mood disorder but doesn’t want to stop using marijuana or other brain-altering substances?
Start fresh with our help. Get started now.
Video: The Ultimate Placebo, The Ultimate Sugar Pill
Kevin A. Sabet, PhD, esteemed marijuana policy expert and former advisor to three US president administrations gives his thoughts on CBD and other hemp derived substances, along with the risks of using these substances.
The treatment team at SunCloud gets it. They practice what they preach, they are compassionate and they are true professionals. They all understand what I am going through and they have guided me from a hopeless place of disease to recovery and a life worth living. Most importantly they have helped me realize that I am worth something and that I don’t have to use in order to cope with life and all that comes with it. Recovery can be amazing. Trust me. The work is not easy and it is totally worth it! Today I am alive.
SCH patient
Explaining SunCloud’s Integrated ModelWhy is an integrated treatment model essential to successfully treating patients?
Dr. Kim Dennis, Co-Founder and Medical Director at SunCloud Health, discusses the vital role the integrated model (that she is pioneering at SunCloud Health) plays in the success of treating patients with co-occurring disorders and underlying trauma. How does SunCloud create an authentic culture of patient support?