SunCloud Health’s Residential Treatment Center in Northbrook, IL
At SunCloud Health recovery happens in communities that we serve. We are with you every step of the way as you move toward a life of wellness, feeling empowered, supported and connected. Our programs and treatments meet you where you are at and work to heal your body, mind and spirit. You can recover, you will thrive. Make an appointment to stop in or call a treatment center near you and to start on new path today. As of January 2023, we’ve recently expanded our residential offerings with the opening of The Institute for Eating Disorders and Addiction at SunCloud Health. This new center is unique as it is the first residential center focusing exclusively on co-occurring eating disorders with substance use disorders. [yellownotice linkurl=”″]Coronavirus (COVID-19): Awareness and Precautions[/yellownotice] [colorsection bgcolor=”graybg”][center] [one_half]Our Location
SunCloud Health Residential Treatment Center 1535 Lake Cook Road, Suite 300 Northbrook, IL 60062 Fax: 847-996-2147 [/one_half][one_half_last]Our Hours
Monday-Sunday: available 24/7[/one_half_last][/center][/colorsection] [colorsection bgcolor=”bluebg”][center]Facility Photos
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”4″ sortorder=”93,83,99,95,91,84,88,87,86,92,89,85,90,94,96,97,98″ display=”thumbnail” thumbnail_crop=”0″ images_per_page=”50″ number_of_columns=”3″][/center][/colorsection]SunCloud Health’s Residential Treatment Center in Northbrook, IL
At SunCloud Health recovery happens in communities that we serve. We are with you every step of the way as you move toward a life of wellness, feeling empowered, supported and connected. Our programs and treatments meet you where you are at and work to heal your body, mind and spirit. You can recover, you will thrive. Stop in or call a treatment centers near you and to start on new path today.
Read More about our Residential Treatment Center.
Our Locations
SunCloud Health Residential Treatment Center
1535 Lake Cook Road, Suite 300
Northbrook, IL 60062
Fax: 847-996-2147
Our Hours
Monday-Sunday: available 24/7