SunCloud Health Offers Integrated Outpatient and Residential Treatment in Northbrook, Naperville, and Chicago (Lincoln Park), IL; and Gaithersburg, MD
One of the nation’s most trusted names in treating substance use disorders, eating disorders, mood disorders, related trauma, and complex co-occurring disorders. Ours is personalized medicine using a transdiagnostic, integrated care model.
SunCloud Health is recognized locally and nationally for treating you, the whole person, in a community where you’ll feel empowered, supported, and connected; that’s what we do best.
Unlike many providers that say they can treat co-occurring disorders, substance use, eating disorders, mood disorders, and related traumas, at SunCloud Health, we actually do.
We don’t toss around buzzwords. Instead, our staff is cross-trained in treating a wide range of conditions in a center that addresses the impact of traumatic life experiences on all of them. We know that your struggles are not only in your mind – your physical health, your relationships, and your life experiences play a part, too. Healing begins with a program that works with your body, mind, and spirit. We are with you every step of the way as you move toward a life of wellness.
SunCloud Health is a private outpatient and residential treatment provider with five locations in Northbrook, Naperville, and Chicago (Lincoln Park), IL, and one location in Gaithersburg, MD. Guided by Kim Dennis, MD, our team provides highly individualized and effective care for adults and adolescents struggling with one or more of these life issues. We bring special expertise to the challenge of helping those with a dual diagnosis and complex co-occurring disorders.
A person with multiple primary illnesses deserves to have each of them fully addressed using a coherent treatment model, and ideally one that constantly has an eye on the role of unresolved trauma in perpetuating addiction, eating disorders, and mood disorders. This is the work we do at SunCloud Health. While it would be much easier to focus on one ‘primary’ illness, the single-disease focus approach has not worked well for our patient population. We are here to serve individuals with complex co-occurring disorders. And we do so in a way that sets them up to achieve sustainable recovery and fuller living experience.
Confused, unsure where to begin … wondering if life will ever be different for you? Things are about to change. At SunCloud Health, you will find a caring, experienced team to help you take the first steps toward a life of wellness. You can break free of the problems you are experiencing today. We’ll help you get there.
We are committed to providing the best in-depth patient care, with more than 75 years of combined therapy experience and over 100 years of combined personal recovery expertise.
At SunCloud Health, advanced science comes together with caring, individual attention. One of the greatest gifts we offer patients is the opportunity to be treated as complex human beings and not simply as a “primary diagnosis.”
You are an individual, not a diagnosis, and so understanding your life story is the crucial first step in choosing the therapeutic approaches that will create real progress for you.
Every patient we see has a unique biology, unique genes, and a unique set of co-occurring disorders, even when behavioral symptoms might look alike. Our patients don’t fit neatly into one diagnostic box, and our treatment approach does not in any way represent a “one size fits all” model.
Thus, we don’t “track” people by flawed DMS-ology broad categories of disease. Rather, we take behavioral and neurobiological phenotype into account, we take dimensions that transcend diagnostic categories into account, we take underlying neurobiology into account, we take biodiversity into account, and we take nuance into account. Ours is individualized, sophisticated, nuanced care. It is advanced and interested care for co-occurring disorders and trauma.
This model has been utilized and refined by our Chief Medical Officer and CEO, Dr. Kim Dennis, M.D., for nearly 20 years. While not for everyone, for our patients, it’s the only way. Approaching their care in this way enables us to address all of them in a unified treatment setting, as complex human beings and at the same time. You can live free of the vicious cycle of your disease. SunCloud Health is here to help you return to yourself with targeted treatment that sees you as a whole person.
A program that incorporates interventions for food addiction with treatment for restrictive eating disorders is relatively new and somewhat controversial, said food addiction specialist Dr. Kim Dennis, MD, cofounder, CEO and chief medical officer at SunCloud Health in Chicago..
Hear from Dr. Kim Dennis on the effects of Ozempic and related drugs, and how they can make recovery harder for those with eating disorders or put others at risk for developing one.
Dr. Alexander Chevalier, SunCloud Health’s Medical Director of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, was featured as a guest on Fox 32 Chicago news. In his interview, he educates on the importance of identifying signs of depression in teens during the summer.
Doctors say newer and popular weight loss drugs are effective in helping people shed pounds and address various health issues. But it’s the effects some patients encounter after they cease taking the powerful meds that leave them feeling powerless.
Eating disorder treatment specialists are sounding the alarm over new guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Hear from Dr. Kim Dennis on the dangers of discussing weight at too young an age or identifying an adolescent as “obese” based simply on their weight status.
Hear from Dr. Kim Dennis, SunCloud Health CEO and founder, on rising concerns with the latest Ozempic craze.
The SC team comprises of a multidisciplinary team of health care providers who help you develop an individualized treatment plan to reach your goals. Our team consists of psychiatrists, registered dieticians, registered nurses, psychologists, therapists and counselors whose specialties include addiction, eating disorders, mood disorders and trauma recovery.
The community at SunCloud includes you, fellow patients seeking greater health themselves and the SC staff. At SCH we focus both on the primary behavioral symptoms interfering with your life, as well as the underlying biological, psychological, social and spiritual factors, including adverse childhood experiences, that interfere with your ability to live a meaningful, joyful and free life.
We use evidence-based treatment modalities to execute our mission to provide integrated care to persons with complex, co-occurring conditions who have not been adequately helped by treatment models that focus on one “primary” condition.
We use a sophisticated treatment approach addressing multiple co-occurring disorders at the same time, under one roof in an integrated fashion.”
Dr. Kim Dennis, Co-Founder and Medical Director at SunCloud Health, discusses the vital role the integrated model (that she is pioneering at SunCloud Health) plays in the success of treating patients with co-occurring disorders and underlying trauma. How does SunCloud create an authentic culture of patient support?
The Joint Commission signifies that all people always experience the safest, highest quality, best-value health care across all settings with a devotion to patient safety. The Gold Seal, is a symbol to the community and patients we serve that SunCloud Health has placed an emphasis on quality of care.
The best decision of my life. I have never had more gratitude and love for a place in my life. I was a outpatient here for about 3 and half months this past year. I learned skills for coping, self-compassion, emotional regulation, and self-care that I use on a regular basis. The treatment I received created a foundation for me that I never had before, and it has helped and taught me to do what is best for me. Having both the group and individual therapy helped teach me a lot of important communication skills when it came to my emotions and shame.
I have overcome so much because of this program, and I continue to grow because of everything I experienced and learned here. If you are wondering if this is the right place for you just know that in most cases it is. If you’re ready to work hard and become the person you need in your life then you are going to love SunCloud Health. Or in other cases if you need help and support to do the work SunCloud Health is there for you. It isn’t easy but it’s beyond worth it. You will meet many amazing people here both staff and other patients that will help guide on your path of recovery. It is a magical place and I am forever grateful for my experience here!
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One of the nations most trusted names in treating substance use addictions, eating disorders, mood disorders, PTSD and related traumas.
Throughout most of modern medicine, low body weight is considered a key symptom or sign of anorexia. As research grew and new details emerged, the medical community recognized atypical anorexia....
Unipolar depression, known as major depressive disorder, is a condition that causes people to feel extremely low or sad for at least two weeks at a time. This condition can...
Everyone has natural mood swings. But those with high-functioning depression often feel down and detached for long periods. This condition is insidious and hard to identify. It makes its sufferers...
At SunCloud Health, we understand that adolescents and teens face a unique set of challenges, especially when it comes to mental health. Anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can be overwhelming,...
There are many ways addiction may be treated, all of which have been developed to assist an individual in taking back his or her life. One of the recent yet...
In the wake of the tragic murder of Brian Thompson, CEO of United Healthcare last week in Manhattan, many people are speaking out about the dysfunction of the U.S. Healthcare...
In the dramatically complicated and fast-moving world of today, too many young adults fail to gain traction in launching themselves into their independent adulthood. These are the individuals who are...
For many college students, winter break is a much-needed pause after the rigorous demands of the fall semester. It offers time to reconnect with family, reflect on challenges, and recharge...
A guest post by Sydney Barrera, RD, LDN, and SunCloud Health’s Director of Nutritional Services Much like how the holiday celebrations look different for each individual, so too are everyone’s...
When teenagers struggle with mental health challenges, behavioral issues, or substance use, parents often face difficult decisions about how to get them the help they need. The teen behavioral health...
Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is a serious eating disorder that goes beyond the typical picky eating behaviors. It’s a condition that can severely impact an individual’s physical and emotional...
The holidays are a time of joy and delight, yet they can often simultaneously be a stressful time due to normal daily routines and life schedules being disrupted throughout the...
The Joint Commission signifies that all people always experience the safest, highest quality, best-value health care across all settings with a devotion to patient safety. The Gold Seal, is a symbol to the community and patients we serve that SunCloud Health has placed an emphasis on quality of care.
Call Us: Monday – Sunday 8am – 7pm
All calls will be returned within 24 hours.
Emergencies: Please go to the nearest emergency room or dial 911
Headquarters / Outpatient Treatment Center
Treatment Centers