Disturbing Events Recently in the News
If you pay attention to national news, undoubtedly you saw that last week included a few very disturbing events. The Louisville shooting is yet another
SunCloud Health is guided by our co-founder, Dr. Kim Dennis, MD, a national thought leader on eating disorders, mood disorders, traumas, and co-occurring disorders that require a dual diagnosis and treatment plan. This blog is dedicated to her sharing thoughts, opinions, and inspirational stories focused on recovery and the joy of life’s journey.
Our staff are also invited to share their own insights within their fields of expertise, as noted by our guest blogs featured throughout the year on a range of topics dedicated to mental health care.
If you pay attention to national news, undoubtedly you saw that last week included a few very disturbing events. The Louisville shooting is yet another
Dr Kim’s brief speech at the 2023 NEDA Walk. Dr. Kim shares her compelling life story and journey of recovery as part of a kick
This event has occurred. Click here to view the presentation on-demand. Dr. Nicole Avena is an Associate Professor of Neuroscience at Mount Sinai School of
Earlier this year, Chicago-based SunCloud Health opened one of the nation’s only residential treatment centers for people living with both an eating disorder and a
It’s time to leave the small-minded stigma behind. It’s time to get better. Eating disorders among males are still too little understood, little studied, little
Consider two recent events, seemingly unrelated, but in fact very much related. The first was personal—at least that’s how I took it. It happened last
2023 has been a busy year for SunCloud Health in terms of exposure and interviews with the media. Topics have ranged from Dr. Dennis providing
Probably the biggest thing that keeps people from going to doctors—all types of doctors—is fear of what they’ll find out. If we know something’s not
Awareness of these conditions in communities of color has come a long way—and frankly there’s a long way still to go to achieve health equity. Here’s the latest. To
The Joint Commission signifies that all people always experience the safest, highest quality, best-value health care across all settings with a devotion to patient safety. The Gold Seal, is a symbol to the community and patients we serve that SunCloud Health has placed an emphasis on quality of care.
The best decision of my life. I have never had more gratitude and love for a place in my life. I was a outpatient here for about 3 and half months this past year. I learned skills for coping, self-compassion, emotional regulation, and self-care that I use on a regular basis. The treatment I received created a foundation for me that I never had before, and it has helped and taught me to do what is best for me. Having both the group and individual therapy helped teach me a lot of important communication skills when it came to my emotions and shame.
I have overcome so much because of this program, and I continue to grow because of everything I experienced and learned here. If you are wondering if this is the right place for you just know that in most cases it is. If you’re ready to work hard and become the person you need in your life then you are going to love SunCloud Health. Or in other cases if you need help and support to do the work SunCloud Health is there for you. It isn’t easy but it’s beyond worth it. You will meet many amazing people here both staff and other patients that will help guide on your path of recovery. It is a magical place and I am forever grateful for my experience here!
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One of the nations most trusted names in treating substance use addictions, eating disorders, mood disorders, PTSD and related traumas.
August 31 is International Overdose Awareness Day. Here’s how to commemorate it. Nearly 200 health awareness days, weeks, and months are on the US National Health Observances calendar, and more...
It you know anything about SunCloud, you’ve probably heard that one of the most common phrases we use with our patients is “bring it to group” (which is often followed...
This webinar is an up-to-date exploration of alcohol, vaping, nicotine, and marijuana’s effect on the developing adolescent brain. We explore the unique risks of these substances in adolescents as well...
We all know the stereotypical differences between the two. Probably the biggest lies in the “customer experience where most customers feel they get a more personalized touch when shopping from...
August 18th 3:30pm Central presented by Chrisantha Anandappa, MD Adolescent and Forensic Psychiatrist Join our webinar on how to prepare your patients that are going off to or returning to...
Gun violence is a public health problem. As such, medical professionals must address it, not only in the context of treating the physical injuries of gunshot wounds, or in the...
Nearly every day we hear about another brave soul willing to publicly share their struggles with mental health. Each time this happens, another layer of shame, stigma and prejudice is...
WHAT HAPPENED THIS WEEK IN TEXAS IS TRAGIC AND IT SHOULD SCARE THE HECK OUT OF ALL OF US. For Many Reasons…. No words can express the sadness we all...
Kim Dennis, MD, CEDS is excited to share the news that she will be co-chairing the Substance Related and Addictive Disorders Special Interest Group along with David Wiss, PhD, RDN....
For those of us who have watched family members struggle with addiction, eating disorders and/or mental health issues, we know all too well just how serious these diseases can be. ...
Guest post by Natalie Haines, LPC, Treatment Coordinator at SunCloud Health I recently joined the team at SunCloud Health as a Treatment Coordinator. I was brought on to help begin...
Hi there! My name’s Lauren. I’m the Executive Assistant here at SunCloud Health. I am overjoyed about our Adolescent IOP Program that just started in our Naperville and Northbrook locations!...
The Joint Commission signifies that all people always experience the safest, highest quality, best-value health care across all settings with a devotion to patient safety. The Gold Seal, is a symbol to the community and patients we serve that SunCloud Health has placed an emphasis on quality of care.
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