If Addiction is a Disease, Why is Relapsing a Crime?

If addiction is a disease then why is relapse treated like a crime?

In this edition of “The Sky Is the Limit” our guest speaker was the esteemed Judge Maritza Martinez of the Circuit Court of Cook County, joined by a panel of honored guests (listed below), this group explores the vital topic of What Should Those of Us Struggling with Addiction and Mental Health Issues REALLY Expect When We Find Ourselves in the Cross Hairs of The Law and Other Authority Figures?

Panelists included:
Chelsea A. Laliberte, Executive Director, Live4lali, and other board members
Greg Klapman, formerly attorney with Berger Schatz, family law
Grace Newton, Employment Discrimination Attorney
Shale Marks, Psychotherapist, SunCloud Health
David Newton, Director of Operations, SunCloud Health

Additional topics covered: How do Illinois courts (divorce, criminal and civil) REALLY treat those of us who struggle with addiction and mental illness when we find ourselves at their mercy?  Should we expect to be punished for being sick as many of us believe or should we expect to be surprised with compassion and support?

The goal of this discussion is to educate and inform, and empower our patients and their families with the truth as opposed the myths out there which are primarily based on fear, stigma and old ways. We believe most will be pleasantly surprised as we learn how much compassion and support there can be when in this situation, and how the law may actually be on our side in many cases!

More on Chelsea A. Laliberte, MSSA, Co-Founder, Executive Director and Board Member of live4lali.org.

Live4lali.org is an organization dedicated to substance use prevention, Tania Cantu S.T.O.P. supervisor and officer and a panel of legal experts on the topic of what really matters (and doesn’t matter) in domestic relations court, criminal court and employment issues for patients and their families when dealing with an addiction or mental health issue.  Many people don’t understand or believe how compassionate judges and other professionals can be in this area of the law. Thus, many stay in abusive or unhealthy relationships (or jobs) out of fear of being punished for having a disease- which we know isn’t compatible with recovery and most times is simply not necessary!

More on Tania Cantu is currently the supervisor and officer of the TREATMENT OPIOID PROGRAM (S.T.O.P), their primary focus:

  • Getting the client through treatment and aftercare for their addiction
  • Emphasize the importance of a recovery community and encourage client to build a strong solid one to maintain sobriety
  • Regular, intense interaction with the client as well as regular urinalysis to assure compliance as well as community safety
  • Assure that the clients adhere too, and complete all court ordered requirements and possibly get their charges dismissed altogether

Below are links to the eight main topics of discussion.

The information presented in this video is strictly the opinions of the participants. If you have a legal concern or are seeking advice please consult your attorney.

In the latest installment of SunCloud Health’s “The Sky’s the Limit” guest lecture series, panelists explore the legal ramifications of the recovery from six panelists.

(Part 1)If Addiction is a Disease, Why is Relapsing a Crime?

The panel at SunCloud Health’s recent The Sky Is the Limit Speaker Series event introduce themselves and discuss how the work they do relates to addiction and the criminal justice system.

The information presented in this video is strictly the opinions of the participants. If you have a legal concern or are seeking advice please consult your attorney.

(Part 2)Advice for someone in treatment who is trying to maintain legal custody of their children?

The panel offers insights on what to expect when someone with an addiction is fighting for custody of their children. The nuances and complexities of navigating the legal system while in treatment are addressed by a former Family Law Attorney and a sitting Circuit Court Judge from Cook County’s Domestic Relations Division.

The information presented in this video is strictly the opinions of the participants. If you have a legal concern or are seeking advice please consult your attorney.

(Part 3)What should you do if you relapse while you are on probation?

The panel explores the topic of legal rights for those of us struggling with addiction and mental health issues and what to expect if we find ourselves in the crosshairs of the law and other authority figures.

The information presented in this video is strictly the opinions of the participants. If you have a legal concern or are seeking advice please consult your attorney.

(Part 4)Should I tell my employer if I am suffering from an addiction?

The panel discusses the rights and responsibilities of employees who are struggling with an addiction and how it relates to their work. Examples and protocols from both legal and medical professions are shared.

The information presented in this video is strictly the opinions of the participants. If you have a legal concern or are seeking advice please consult your attorney.

(Part 5)Why do you think addiction doesn’t fall under commitment laws in Illinois?

The panel explores the current state of commitment laws in Illinois (under which addiction does not fall) as well as the pros and cons of Florida’s Marchman Act. Then, a passionate attorney in the audience engages the panel in a discussion on the issues of insurance, emergency room policies, and whether or not a new legal interpretation of the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) could help solve some of our problems.

The information presented in this video is strictly the opinions of the participants. If you have a legal concern or are seeking advice please consult your attorney.

(Part 6)How do we create a system that treats the whole person?

The panel discusses a shift in the way health care outcomes are determined and the necessity for addressing the underlining trauma that often goes hand and hand with addiction issues. Finally, a young social worker and advocate shares why she believes there is hope that addiction and mental health services will continue to improve moving forward.

The information presented in this video is strictly the opinions of the participants. If you have a legal concern or are seeking advice please consult your attorney.

(Part 7)What is the protocol for doctors when prescribing opioids to patients?

The panel discusses the protocols in place to prevent both doctors and patients from abusing prescribed medications and debates the potential impact of an innovative new state law that requires controlled substance license holders to utilize the Illinois Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP).

The information presented in this video is strictly the opinions of the participants. If you have a legal concern or are seeking advice please consult your attorney.

(Part 8)A family’s struggle with addiction and the legal system

A loving father shares the story of his son’s struggle with addiction and the law. Panelists and audience members share similar experiences and offer support and advice (both legal and emotional) on how to help his son and his family move forward in a positive way.

The information presented in this video is strictly the opinions of the participants. If you have a legal concern or are seeking advice please consult your attorney.

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