Dr Kim, SunCloud’s nurturing collaborative leader

Guest post by Hannah Carra

I have known Dr. Kim Dennis for several years. I worked in the admissions department at a large residential treatment center in Illinois in 2014 and remained for a couple of years. Dr. Kim was the CEO and Medical Director when I first started working there. Prospective patients sought treatment from around the world because of Dr. Kim’s reputation. Dr. Kim’s positive reputation reflects her professional and personal character as someone who leads a life built on principles such as honesty, reliability, integrity, discipline, service and humility. As a leader, Dr. Kim’s decisions were based on what is in the best interest of the patient. As one of the founders of this large residential treatment center, Dr. Kim’s excellence was one of the primary contributing factors for its expansion. Eventually, my understanding was that Dr. Kim chose to start up her own treatment center where she could hand pick her direct staff and control what clinical decisions were made. She hand-picked her staff members who she believed reflected the clinical excellence, competence and level of professionalism required to be a world class treatment center providing the best possible care. 

I left this large residential treatment center to work for Dr. Kim at SunCloud Health in 2017 and I am still employed with SunCloud health today. Dr. Kim’s treatment modality allows patients to heal from trauma, while treating life-threatening addictions and mood disorders. She recognizes that specific diagnosis do not exist in a vacuum, and that in order for a patient to reach the point of sustainable recovery, there must be a treatment approach that addresses each issue simultaneously by providing individualized care tailored to the specific needs of the patient. The employees at SunCloud Health are competent and skilled at treatment addiction, trauma, mood and personality disorders. As a facility, SunCloud collaborates with local and out of state treatment facilities to provide patient referrals when appropriate. SunCloud recognizes what is beyond the scope of what we can provide a patient and work diligently with other professionals to meet the needs of each patient. Dr. Kim believes in a holistic approach, which includes addressing patients mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual issues by providing evidence-based treatment and connecting them community resources when necessary. 

As a leader, Dr. Kim is open about the importance of leading by example when it comes to taking care of oneself to provide optimal patient care. She fosters a nurturing and collaborative work environment while maintaining the highest levels of professionalism.  

Hannah Carra, LCSW
Former Chicago Site Director, Therapist SunCloud Health