Third-Party Financing Disclosure

The information provided to you in writing or on SunCloud’s website is for a line of credit or loan to help you finance your medical treatment. You do not have to apply for a line of credit or loan to pay for treatment. You may pay SunCloud Health for treatment in a different manner.

This line of credit or loan is not a payment plan with SunCloud Health. It is a line of credit or loan from MyTreatment Lender. Nobody at SCH works for this company and SCH does not benefit any more or less based on how our patients pay for treatment.

There may be other third-party lenders that specialize in lines of credit or loans geared toward medical bills. You are entitled to research all of these options before committing to one line of credit or loan.

You may be required to pay interest on the amount charged to the line of credit or the loan. Missed payments pay appear on your credit report and hurt your credit rating. You may also be sued if you miss payments.