What’s Addiction Got To Do With It? Understanding Eating Disorders Within the Addiction Spectrum

Join Dr. Kim as she speaks at Positive Sobriety’s Lunch and Learn Series on a topic near and dear to her heart titled, “What’s Addiction Got To Do With It?  Understanding Eating Disorders Within the Addiction Spectrum”.  The presentation will explore the common traits between those who struggle with substance addiction and those who struggle with eating disorders. Up to 50% of people who struggle with chemical dependency with alcohol and drugs and up to 35% of people with substance addiction have some form of eating disorder. Dr. Dennis will explore shared risk factors, the similar aberration in brain reward pathways and brain reward circuitry and treatment approaches that can be used to effectively treat those struggling with both eating disorders and substance addiction.  Please click here for the invite.

Thursday November 29, 2018.  12:00 pm at Positive Sobriety Institute, Chicago.