Harm Reduction Explained: a No-Nonsense Approach to Substance Use Treatment
There are many ways addiction may be treated, all of which have been developed to assist an individual in taking back his or her life.
There are many ways addiction may be treated, all of which have been developed to assist an individual in taking back his or her life.
In the wake of the tragic murder of Brian Thompson, CEO of United Healthcare last week in Manhattan, many people are speaking out about the
In the dramatically complicated and fast-moving world of today, too many young adults fail to gain traction in launching themselves into their independent adulthood. These
A post by Dr. Kimberly Dennis, Chief Medical Officer, CEO and Co-founder of SunCloud Health April 11th of this year I celebrated 23 years of recovery
By Kim Dennis, MD I like using Thanksgiving as a season to intentionally practice gratitude, a practice that we may embrace right now and then
The guidance has been met with a lot of backlash—and rightfully so. Here’s the latest. On January 9th of this year, the American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) published their
As a physician, I took an oath to first do no harm. That’s my first order of business. My second order of business is to
Systemic disparities in access and treatment are causing needless deaths in communities of color. It’s time we made things right. The data on addiction treatment makes three
Unfortunately, it’s impossible to live in America and not be bombarded with messages about the new diet fad that promises to give you the security
The Joint Commission signifies that all people always experience the safest, highest quality, best-value health care across all settings with a devotion to patient safety. The Gold Seal, is a symbol to the community and patients we serve that SunCloud Health has placed an emphasis on quality of care.
The best decision of my life. I have never had more gratitude and love for a place in my life. I was a outpatient here for about 3 and half months this past year. I learned skills for coping, self-compassion, emotional regulation, and self-care that I use on a regular basis. The treatment I received created a foundation for me that I never had before, and it has helped and taught me to do what is best for me. Having both the group and individual therapy helped teach me a lot of important communication skills when it came to my emotions and shame.
I have overcome so much because of this program, and I continue to grow because of everything I experienced and learned here. If you are wondering if this is the right place for you just know that in most cases it is. If you’re ready to work hard and become the person you need in your life then you are going to love SunCloud Health. Or in other cases if you need help and support to do the work SunCloud Health is there for you. It isn’t easy but it’s beyond worth it. You will meet many amazing people here both staff and other patients that will help guide on your path of recovery. It is a magical place and I am forever grateful for my experience here!
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One of the nations most trusted names in treating substance use addictions, eating disorders, mood disorders, PTSD and related traumas.
Throughout most of modern medicine, low body weight is considered a key symptom or sign of anorexia. As research grew and new details emerged, the medical community recognized atypical anorexia....
Unipolar depression, known as major depressive disorder, is a condition that causes people to feel extremely low or sad for at least two weeks at a time. This condition can...
Everyone has natural mood swings. But those with high-functioning depression often feel down and detached for long periods. This condition is insidious and hard to identify. It makes its sufferers...
At SunCloud Health, we understand that adolescents and teens face a unique set of challenges, especially when it comes to mental health. Anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can be overwhelming,...
There are many ways addiction may be treated, all of which have been developed to assist an individual in taking back his or her life. One of the recent yet...
In the wake of the tragic murder of Brian Thompson, CEO of United Healthcare last week in Manhattan, many people are speaking out about the dysfunction of the U.S. Healthcare...
In the dramatically complicated and fast-moving world of today, too many young adults fail to gain traction in launching themselves into their independent adulthood. These are the individuals who are...
For many college students, winter break is a much-needed pause after the rigorous demands of the fall semester. It offers time to reconnect with family, reflect on challenges, and recharge...
A guest post by Sydney Barrera, RD, LDN, and SunCloud Health’s Director of Nutritional Services Much like how the holiday celebrations look different for each individual, so too are everyone’s...
When teenagers struggle with mental health challenges, behavioral issues, or substance use, parents often face difficult decisions about how to get them the help they need. The teen behavioral health...
Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is a serious eating disorder that goes beyond the typical picky eating behaviors. It’s a condition that can severely impact an individual’s physical and emotional...
The holidays are a time of joy and delight, yet they can often simultaneously be a stressful time due to normal daily routines and life schedules being disrupted throughout the...
The Joint Commission signifies that all people always experience the safest, highest quality, best-value health care across all settings with a devotion to patient safety. The Gold Seal, is a symbol to the community and patients we serve that SunCloud Health has placed an emphasis on quality of care.
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